Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's interesting how you can be completely frazzled, worn out and feeling down right snarky.  Then you pop in a worship cd and it's not long before you find yourself humming along.  And then you are singing along.  Then you crank up the volume and you begin to worship.  Driving down the highway, belting out Agnus Dei with Sheila Walsh while you bawl your eyes out.  I am always weepy in the presence of God.  Haven't figured out why.  At one point in my life I thought it was because I felt ashamed in His presence.  But in a rather obnoxious way, God showed me that he loved me, despite the past and I had no call to feel shame with him.  So now I don't know why I weep other than I'm in His presence and my insides overwhelm me until they leak out through my eyes.  Regardless, by the time I got home my attitude was better.  I'm still exhausted and I believe I need a week to recover from this wedding and don't you know that I scheduled TWO doctor appointments the very day after the wedding.  And they are BIG appointment's...Dr. Joe, my oncologist and Dr. Puckett the infamous plastic surgeon.

We are in the launching countdown for the wedding event of the year - at least for the fragrantroses' household.  So my day started out with an early morning announcement that Mr. Rosey had "passed a gravel truck of kidney stones" but did it without pain.  That that is an excellent improvement.  We have noticed a decrease in the amount of stones and the frequency as well.  Then I did my morning ablutions, fixed my hair and left to see the magnificent Genny - the physical therapist.  I think I still shock her when I whip off the blouse and get ready for therapy.  She always tries to leave the room and I tell her not to bother.  I have no real breasts.  I'd go topless if it wouldn't stun some people into cardiac arrest.  And others might not deal well with scars.

During therapy we decided that I had done everything possible to prepare for expansions.  My skin is supple and soft.  The muscles not so much, and I have to massage them through out the day, as well as do my exercises in the morning and night.  So she gave me her blessings and sent me on my merry way...

To pick up Mr. Rosey and go pick up his wedding tux.  It needed altered slightly so he grabbed something to eat and I returned him to his office.  Then I got a call from the bride- to- be that the appointment for the dress pick up from alterations was at 2 pm and not 8 pm like I thought.  So I wasted time in town because I wasn't driving 40 minutes home to wait 30 minutes and drive 40 minutes back.  I went to lunch at my favorite Deli (McAlisters) and thought I was going to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase the shower curtain I have been lusting over.  Once there, I decided I liked the shower curtain but I didn't NEED the shower curtain so I walked away from it.  I will continue lusting in my heart.  It's okay, God understands.

If you know me at all you know I love this and why....

So I saw another nifty keen kitchen dodad that I do need, but decided to take Mr. Rosey to see it and give his opinion on whether I really need it.

It's called a Kapoosh Block.  There's no slots to match up with the knife.  You just push your knives into the thin strands and they separate to fit your individual knife.  No more searching through my crock for the right knife!

I left without it as well. Then the owner of the Bed and Breakfast (where the wedding will be held) called, so we chatted about last minute details.  She's very nice and has been so easy to work with.  She has been a big blessing for my state of mind.  (what little is left)

I did pick up the wedding dress and the "father's of the bride and groom tux".  Now I sit at home, and it's time to stop putting it off.  I have a little more work to do on the wedding bouquet.  It's the floral tape that gets me frustrated.  My fingers get sticky and then everything sticks to me... except the piece I'm working on.

So ta ta for now, I will keep you filled in on the wedding as the day approaches.


  1. Goodness Tina! You are a busy lady! And I thought we decided that it was okay to bless yourself with random spots of beauty (which IS a need or God wouldn't have created so much of it)! If you want that glorious shower curtain ... for goodness sake GET IT!

  2. lol Beth! That is almost the same thing that my husband said to me tonight. You are right and this is one of my struggles - giving myself permission to enjoy something frivolous.
